A parish mission is a time of wonderful grace and renewal for all the people of a parish whether young or old, strong in Faith or struggling.

God wants to show us, that not only is he with us in our everyday life’s, but his plan is amazing!

Let’s get to know his personal love for us.

“I have been going to mass every Sunday since I was 7 yrs old, but at this mission I have personally met Jesus and he’s changed my life.”

“When John came into my school I did not believe in God. But because of what he said I came to the Parish mission. At the mission not only did I know God was real, but I also knew Jesus loved me”

“My whole family have been changed because of the mission” “Now my boys want to go to Mass and my husband is a better Man” “We pray as a family each day”

Mission Nights

John has given over 250 missions in parishes

Night 1: God’s Love - Getting to know the depth of God’s love.

Night 2: God’s Mercy - A chance to personally experience the mercy of Jesus.

Night 3: God’s Healing - Healing service – allowing Jesus to heal us.

Each night will include John’s talk, music and scripture readings, and a time of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

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