Endorsements include John Pridmore and St Patrick’s Community, a lay Catholic community John led until 2017.

It is with great pleasure that I write this reference on behalf of mission speaker and author John Pridmore. During our 2016 Parish Mission, Mr Pridmore spoke with passion about his Catholic faith and his conversion from Gangland life to Christianity. His stories were engaging, down to earth and resonated deeply with our parishioners. His message that our God is a merciful and forgiving God encouraged many to seek comfort and healing in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Many people who were away from the Sacrament of Reconciliation for decades went to confession. What a beautiful and grace-filled week! I encourage all parishes to experience John’s message and enthusiasm for his Faith.

Rev. Len Plazewski,
Christ The King Parish Tampa FL USA

I was so impressed with the Parish Mission that John Pridmore gave that, over the years, I invited him back to give a SECOND and then a THIRD mission. The prayerfulness and stillness of the weeks of Mission brought many blessings.

The strength of conviction of delivering the message helped many to live the message a bit better. Jesus is the core of the Mission and it is His teaching that is taught. With John Pridmore there are no gimmicks or pretending but the gospel is proclaimed in a truthful strong gently way. The Mission is a great invitation to people to ‘come and see’ so that ‘you too may go and tell’.

The message that John Pridmore left in me still challenges me to be an authentic follower of the Son of God.

Fr. Eamonn Kelly, Adm
Letterkenny Cathedral, Co. Donegal

John Pridmore packed the Church each night. I wasn’t at all sure that would take place since it rarely happened. The first night was standing room only. His personal story is so powerful that it touches both young and old alike and all those in between. Even though no one comes even close to living the kind of life John lived in his early years, he touches on feelings that we all have and bringing Jesus into the equation, people are allowed to name those feelings and be freed of their affects. On the night of forgiveness he clearly shows people a Father of mercy. And on the night of healing, Jesus’ ministry of healing is so powerfully present. John has a big story, told by a big man, who makes God accessible to people who never thought God ever had them in mind. Here in Cajun Country where food is the topic of about every conversation, John fed us with a message of Jesus Christ that truly satisfies.

Rev. Steven C. LeBlanc,
St. Pius X Catholic Church, Lafayette, LA USA

This was a great retreat for our parish. It filled us with faith and hope and renewed zeal for our prayers. It gave us a sense of the presence of God and the reassurance of our Lord’s words: “Do not be afraid for I am with you”.

Many people have stopped me in the street to say how much they enjoyed the retreat and some parents have spoken of the effect it had on their children too.

Fr John Tormey,
Cathedral Administrator, St. Mirin’s Cathedral Paisley

I could not really explain the joy I felt as the Mission from St Patrick’s community progressed. The themes were utterly grace filled and affective. The folks responded in huge numbers each night and were moved in the inmost hearts and souls by the experience. The night of the Healing theme was the highlight for me in many ways, although every night was a highlight. The people of my parish still talk about it and I see faces who have not been at Mass for years coming now even on a weekday. The Mission attracted plenty of young men and women too, which is most surprising. I would recommend the St Patrick’s Mission team to any parish.

Fr. Tom Connolly PP
St Kentigern’s Church Fallowfield, Manchester

The members of St Patricks Community led our parish mission during Lent this year (2014) and what a positive experience it was for all who took part. The obvious sincerity and deep faith of each of the team members made a deep impression on the large crowds that thronged the church for the duration of the mission. In particular the night celebrating the mercy of God with hundreds of people experiencing the forgiveness of God in confession for the first time in many years was a joy to behold. The personal testimonies of the team members gave all of us much food for thought.

I am very happy to recommend them to any parish or community that is thinking about having a good mission that will both affirm and challenge people both of strong faith and particularly those whose faith is weak or fragile.

Father Martin Cosgrove PP
Arklow, Co. Wicklow.

St Patrick’s community gave a 5 day mission in our parish and it is without doubt that the Holy Spirit was alive and active. The engagement of the speakers as well as the very large turnouts each day can only indicate that the Church is alive and in need of ‘missioning’. The team’s testimonies and their reverence and respect for prayer and people was evident and appreciated. Their visits to our local schools was truly inspiring for our young people. May God continue to bless their work.

Fr. Paul Byrne, PP
Holy Family Church Coalisland, Co. Tyrone

The Parish Mission conducted by St Patrick’s Community made a great impact on parishioners. It was the best supported Mission for many years with a packed church every night. The highlight for many people was the Healing Service, which was very moving.

People were also greatly impressed by the powerful personal testimonies given and by the quality of the talks delivered. I highly recommend the St Patrick’s Community Parish Mission to other faith communities.

Fr. Tom Mulligan, PP
Attymass, Co. Mayo

We welcomed the community to our parish last September. They had a tremendous impact on our community and many, many people were drawn back to the sacraments. A particular highlight was the evening of reconciliation - a lot of graces were bequeathed on our parish community that evening! I would heartily and happily endorse the community’s work! God bless

Fr. John Morrison, PP
St. Patrick’s Church Greenock, Scotland

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